GDPR Privacy Statement & Cookie policy

GDPR Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy of Allshoes Safety Footwear


When you order something, we need your personal details to ensure that we can deliver your order. But we always deal carefully with your personal data. We take care of them and store them safely. We would like to tell you here what we do with your personal data and why we need them. If you have questions after reading our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer (contact details below).

This privacy policy can be adjusted from time to time if new developments give reasons to do so. You can find the most current privacy policy on We advise you to consult this privacy policy regularly so that you will be aware of these adjustments. You will always see the last date of adjustment there.


This privacy policy was most recently adjusted on 1 March 2021.

Who is responsible for processing my personal data?

Allshoes Safety Footwear, with its registered office at Koivistokade 80, 1013 BB Amsterdam, is the controller for the processing of data as specified in this privacy policy.


When is this privacy policy applicable?


This privacy policy is applicable to all personal data that Allshoes Safety Footwear processes of everyone who has or has had contact at any time with Allshoes Safety Footwear, such as customers, business contact persons and suppliers, on all domains related to Allshoes Safety Footwear.


What are personal data?


Personal data are all data that are traceable to you as an individual. In particular, Allshoes Safety Footwear may process personal data including the following:

- your name and address details, telephone number, e-mail address and other contact details needed for communication;

- birth details, age, gender;

- bank account numbers of the data subjects;

- personal details made available by the Chamber of Commerce;

- IP address;

- your order history or surfing behaviour;

- other personal data (other than as specified above) that are necessary for processing in accordance with the applicable legislation.


Whose personal data do we process and how do we obtain these data?


We process the personal data of everyone who has or has had direct or indirect contact with Allshoes Safety Footwear, such as business and other customers and the contact persons of partners.

We obtain the data directly from you when you visit our website, generate an account and fill in certain data or when you seek contact with our customer service.

We can also obtain data from other parties, but only if you have given permission to provide us with certain data.

Which data of yours do we process, what do we use them for and how long are they stored?




We use your personal data for different purposes, including:

- Administrative purposes

- Taking and executing orders

- Compliance with other contracts (such as employment contracts)

- Processing of payments and making payments

- Communication with you

- Updating accounts and other business information

- Carrying out marketing, digitally or otherwise

- Meeting legal or regulatory requirements

- Dealing with complaints or questions from our customers

- Maintaining our business network

- Improving our product and service information and carrying out targeted marketing campaigns as well as market and other research

- Generating data analysis to update and improve the performance of our website

Your personal data are needed to implement these purposes. We implement them on the basis of the following principles:

- Legal obligation;

- Necessary to perform the contract;

- Legitimate interest of our own or of a third party, for example conducting legal proceedings, imposing attachment, etc..

- With your permission. In some cases we may be legally required to use or disclose personal information, for example to comply with a request from an official authority. We request your permission in advance for non-essential processing. You can always withdraw this permission.

Data for the processing of your order

When you order something, we need certain data in order to deliver your order and to keep you informed of your order. These data are also necessary for returns, if any. For this purpose we collect your name, e-mail address, delivery address(es), payment details and your telephone number.

These data are needed to perform the contract you have concluded with us. We retain these data for 7 years. 

Data in your account

We save the following data in your account: your name (delivery and residential/business address(es)), telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth (if you have stated it) and payment data. We also save your order history in your account.

In addition, we also save the interests you have stated in your account, namely your wish list, any linked Allshoes Safety Footwear apps, language preference and your e-mail and personalisation preferences. You give permission for this.

Our promise to our customers is to make the lives of our customers easier and nicer. That is why we save the data in your account as long as you are an active customer of ours. If you have not logged in to us anymore for 7 years, we delete all your data. In addition, you can make a request at any time to have your data removed in your account.

Data on your contact with our customer service


You can contact our customer service. We use the data stored in your account to contact you further to your question or complaint to us.

By saving your data we will be able to help you more quickly next time. We therefore save the notes on the customer contact with us and with our sales partners as long as you are an active customer of ours.

When you send us a private message via LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook, we save the message for 6 months as most.


Data for an optimum shopping experience


By our websites, we mean,,, and

First of all we see to it that our websites operate properly so that you can shop optimally. For this purpose, when you visit our websites we collect your IP address, information on your internet browser, any language settings and information on the settings of the operating system of the computer or mobile device by which you visit us. You give your permission for this.

We also see to it that our websites are so relevant as possible by gearing them to your personal preferences. In order to do so, we collect your search, click and purchase behaviour at our websites. You give your permission for this. We use these data to analyse generic customer patterns, so that we can use them on an individual level. The point of this is not really to gain knowledge about individual customers. Our promise to our clients is to make their lives easier and nicer. That is why we save these data as long as you are an active customer of ours. If you have not logged in to us anymore for 7 years, we delete all your data.

Improvement of shopping experience based on general information and sales statistics

When you examine an article on Allshoes Safety Footwear, you also see articles we recommend (for example under the heading “Others also examined”). These articles are based on the article or category you are examining at the time. Based on statistics, we know that customers that bought that article were also interested in the other articles. These recommendations are not personal: everyone who looks at that article sees the same recommendations. If you are looking for a specific work shoe, everyone sees the same comparable work shoes. Or we show you what other users sought on the basis of your search command. You also see this form of improvement of your shopping experience in physical shops. For instance, articles of the same type or that belong together are usually next to each other. And the salesperson also knows what is popular and what other customers bought when they went into the shop with the same question. This has no further consequences for you as a user. No automatic decision-making applies.

Personalisation on the basis of your account data and search, surf and purchase history at Allshoes Safety Footwear


Just as a salesperson, we also make recommendations and we adjust the shop to your preferences. We look at what you previously sought or bought from us, what is on your wish list and which interests you showed by examining certain articles and categories in our shop. So we do not give the work shoes you just bought as a tip. Or we display the contents in which you are less interested at the bottom of the website. Based on these data, we can also offer you a special discount or shoe accessories that are in line with your preferences by e-mail and on the website. On our website we give you recommendations as well on which products you could need again on the basis of what you purchased earlier, for example a maintenance kit or waterproofing spray.

We do so on the basis of your surf, search and purchase behaviour. We do not look back more than three years. We collect your surf and search behaviour on the basis of cookie techniques, your IP address and the unique number linked to the mobile device on which you surf. You give permission for this.

What we do not do when you visit our website is use these data to show you other prices than are shown to other customers. It can however occur that when you visit us again we will have meanwhile adjusted the prices of some products.

Data for marketing


Personalised e-mails and push notifications

We regularly have special campaigns and novelties that we want to share with you. We like to share them by e-mail. If you have an account with us or have placed one or more orders and have given permission for this, we will e-mail you (and/or we will send you push notifications with) suggestions and information on our articles and services on the basis of your purchases and requests for reviews.

If you give us permission to do so, we can also e-mail you other information or send you push notifications about this, such as general win actions or personal recommendations and information. These personal recommendations are based on your purchases and visit history from 2 years ago at most in order to make the contents of these messages more interesting to you.

Personalised advertisements


We, our advertisement networks and media agencies can display your advertisements on our websites. This is done on the basis of your previous visits to our websites and the websites of one or more third parties. Your surf, search and purchase behaviour are collected on the basis of cookie techniques, your IP address and the advertisement number linked to the device on which you surf. We use these data only if you have given us permission to place cookies. A limited retention period applies to cookies and that period varies per cookie.

In your mailbox


In some cases you can receive a letter or parcel from us by which we want to show you our appreciation of you as a customer. We exercise restraint in sending post: you receive a letter or parcel only if you have given permission for this.

Data from customer surveys


We are constantly improving our services and making them even better in line with what customers want. That is why we may use your data (customer ID and e-mail address) to invite you to a voluntary customer or market survey. We can also have these surveys carried out by third parties. In this way you help our web shop to become even better. Participation in a customer or market survey is completely voluntary. You decide yourself if you want to take part in the survey. How long your data are linked to the outcomes of the customer or market survey varies per survey. We delete all data traceable to you as soon as the survey is definitely concluded.



We analyse information from customer and market surveys, win actions and click and purchase behaviour in order to gain insight into our customers and their use of our services. We also us segmentation data from 4Orange and MarketResponse to enrich these insights. As segmentation specialists, 4Orange and MarketResponse make predictions of characteristics, interests and behaviours of all households in the Netherlands. We can use these data, among other things, for our brand positioning, to improve your services and to optimise our campaigns. We ensure that all our analyses are reported only on an aggregated level. This means that the results cannot in any way be traced to individual customers and are not used for personal expressions. If you want more information about the 4Orange and MarketResponse data, you can find this on the website of 4Orange ( and MarketResponse ( You can address questions about the data of 4Orange and MarketResponse to en

Data for reviews & question and answer


We love reviews. And so do our customers. Because reviews help you to find what you seek. If you write a review, you choose whether your personal data or your name will be visible to other visitors. You can also use an alias. You can also indicate whether we may contact you about your review. We place reviews only with your permission. Because reviews are valuable to customers for a long time, we save a review until you ask us to delete the review or until the time we delete the review.

Data for prize contests and actions


If you participate in an action or compete in a prize contest, we ask you for data, such as your name, address and/or e-mail address. We need them in order to conduct the action and announce the prize winners. We collect these data with your permission. If you agree to this, we can also use the information you share with us in an action or prize contest for other purposes.  


Data to combat fraud

No one wants to deal with security incidents, nor do we. We therefore use personal data (including IP addresses and search, surf and purchase behaviour) to investigate, prevent and combat unauthorised access and fraud.

If fraud has demonstrably taken place, we will save certain data related to that fraud. We do this for the duration of 1 year after we have discovered this fraud. We have a legitimate interest in doing this.


Subsequent payment


If you buy articles you do not want to pay for immediately, we can assess your creditworthiness. We can use external agencies to do so; This is also stated in our general terms and conditions. In that case the processing is done to perform the contract and/or with a legitimate interest.


Social media


If you use social media such as Facebook, you can click 'like and share' buttons on the various channels of Allshoes Safety Footwear and its brand of articles that you find nice, useful or handy and share them with your friends on your social media account. Allshoes Safety Footwear cannot gain access to your social media account. We advise you to read the privacy policy of the social media parties where you have an account carefully, so that you know how your data are used and how you can adjust your settings.


With whom are your data shared?


Distribution and logistics partners

We also work together with various logistics partners, such as DHL and PostNL.

Our logistics partners receive your name, delivery address, invoice address and e-mail address from us. If you have stated this when placing your order, logistic partners will also receive your telephone number. They need this number to deliver your parcel at the address you chose, to keep you informed of the delivery time and to give you the possibility to use the additional services of these logistics partners (such as a different delivery address).

Other external service providers


We also engage other external service providers in to help with different things. They sometimes also need personal data for that purpose. We only share the data that are necessary for the service the external service provider performs for us. We do not sell your data to these service providers or other third parties. And we conclude contracts with all external service providers in which we agree on what they may do with the data.

The types of work our external service providers perform for us:

●          support in providing our digital services such as the hosting, maintenance and support of our websites and applications;

●          support with our customer service;

●          support with our advertising and marketing campaigns;

●          support in conducting customer surveys and obtaining ratings and reviews;

●          providing financial services, such as payment services, collection agencies and credit information agencies;

●          support in facilitating telephone contact between you en and business sales partners;

●          support in conducting surveys and analyses to improve our services.


The government


We sometimes have to transfer personal data to the government. This can occur first of all if certain government institutions need these data to perform their duties, such as the Tax and Customs Administration. The police and judicial authorities may also need certain data in case of fraud or abuse. Lastly, certain supervisory authorities can gain access to personal data in the context of an investigation.

Only at your request: with other businesses


If you want us to do so, we also transfer your personal data to other businesses, for example if one of our commercial partners has an offer for customers of Allshoes Safety Footwear. We then do so only with your explicit permission.

Where do we store your data?


We store your data within the European Economic Area ("EEA"). It can nevertheless occur that certain data that we collect is transmitted to or stored at a destination outside the EEA, for example because one of our external service providers is located there. When this is the case, we ensure that this is done in a safe and lawful manner. In such cases, Allshoes Safety Footwear will take appropriate measures to guarantee that your data are protected as well as possible, such as agreements with the receivers of standard provisions relating to data protection that are drafted by the European Commission.

How are your data protected?


Allshoes Safety Footwear makes every effort to protect your data optimally in order to prevent unlawful use such as unauthorised access, undesired disclosure and unauthorised change or loss. We do so on the basis of physical, administrative, organisational and technical measures.  Allshoes Safety Footwear may use other service providers to perform our activities and services. These service providers are subject to protection obligations in accordance with this privacy statement.

The personal data and personal information are a very important area for attention at IT. The use of and access to private data takes place only after permission and contact with the staff member. If a staff member leaves the company, operating resources are emptied, telephones are set back by the staff member and the laptops are erased by our system manager. Pigeonholes which may also contain private things are by definition no longer looked at unless it is necessary from the company and the staff member is informed and gives permission. As far as saving information on paper is concerned, a period of 3 years applies after leaving employment in connection with audits. Information is handled very carefully at all times and, of course, processing agreements are concluded with the businesses that have access to data of Allshoes.

How do we deal with children’s data?


Our services are not aimed at children. This means that the use of Allshoes Safety Footwear by customers under the age of 18 is allowed only with the express permission of a parent or guardian.

Which rights can you exercise in relation to your data?


To inspect which rights you can exercise in relation to your data we refer you to our ‘Procedure for Rights of Data Subjects’.





If you still have question about the way in which Allshoes Safety Footwear deals with your personal data, do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer, Sander Gerritsen, via He will be pleased to help you. We can also be reached via the following contact details:

Allshoes Safety Footwear

Koivistokade 80

1013 BB Amsterdam


Tel: +31 (0)20 2250130





Cookie Policy


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer’s browser.  Cookies may be delivered by the website you visit, or by third parties.


What information do cookies collect?

In general, cookies collect information such as a user’s IP address, browser type, operating system, referring URLs, date and time of visit, and details about the actions you take on a website.


What types of cookies do we use?

We use four types of cookies on our website:

  • strictly necessary
  • performance
  • functionality
  • targeting

For information about each of these types of cookies, please visit


Why do we use cookies?

In general, we use cookies for the following purposes:

  • operating, maintaining, developing, improving and customizing our website;
  • knowing when a user visits / returns to our website, which pages a user is looking at, and how often and how long a user looks at a web page;
  • personalizing webpage content;
  • creating aggregate and anonymous usage statistics to monitor and improve website traffic, performance, features, functionality and security;
  • distributing digital advertising based on your search behaviour and/or the content on our website and 3rd party sites; and
  • correlating data in our CRM systems about our clients’ and prospects’ personnel with website visitation and navigation data, for purposes of creating leads and generating sales; and
  • sharing information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners for the above-stated purposes.

For information about the specific purpose for each cookie we use on our website, please click here.


Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track and report visitor traffic to our website, which for purposes of this Cookies Policy are considered “functional” cookies.  The only personal information by collected Google Analytics is IP address.  We use Google Analytics to create aggregate, non-identifiable insights into how our website is being used.  To learn more about how Google uses data, please visit


Your choices

You may reject cookies by changing your Internet browser’s settings. However, if you do so, portions of our website may not function properly, and we may not be able to respond to your request.  To learn more about cookies and how you can manage or delete them, visit

Or you may choose to use our Cookies Preference tool to update your cookies preferences.  Using this dashboard, you can either accept all cookies, or selectively accept cookies.  Please note, you do not have a choice to accept or reject strictly necessary cookies, as these are essential for our website’s performance.

If you use a Google Chrome browser, you can opt-out of Google Analytics by downloading and installing Google browser add-on.  For more information about this plug-in, please click here.


Changing your cookie preference

You can change your cookie preferences at any time by visiting our Cookies Preference tool and update your cookies preferences.


Cookie classification and descriptions provided by Cookiepedia